I wanna make all my dreams come true
To make it true I need you
So I lay thee down n pray
And just wait for the time and “the day”
I completely render my heart and soul for you
juzz wanna say m there for you whenever you feel blue
For closer each day I observe us grow
Our belief on our love makes us flow
Its wondrous and the feeling is intense
Thinking bout you always made sense
Sometimes my memories automatically unfolds
Going back to the same time this thinking always scolds
Within a fraction of time in front of my eyes you appear
And again within a millisecond you disappear
So many times I cried myself to sleep
This is the inner resilience which forces me to weep
Sometimes I dream of your touch
My words are not enough to say that I miss you so much
Only a thought of meeting you brings excitement and joy
A pure soul and his warm touch let me feel coy
Our love is like a Dove……..
Gentle and pure like the heaven above